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George Hemingway House - 1914
106 S. Grove - Oak Park, Illinois

          This house is similar in plan to the Horder Residence at 823 Fair Oaks.  The Living and Dining Rooms which open to the front veranda, occupy a single space along the entire front of the house.  Due to the unusual plan which lacks the usual core of the combined entry/stairs, space is interrupted and wasted with a hallway running behind the Living Room.
          This house has been known as the "Hemingway house", but there is no evidence that George R. Hemingway commissioned this design.  He certainly never lived in the house.
          Hemingway was a Realtor and the house did indeed come through his office as did many houses designed by Van Bergen and other architects.  However, the original building permit lists John S. Van Bergen as the owner.  From this, one might draw the conclusion that this was a building that Van Bergen designed on his own as a speculative venture. 

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