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Chicago Yacht Club - 1935
Monroe St. and Lake Michigan - Chicago, Illinois

Photo from the Chicago Yacht Club 1949 yearbook.  Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society  (negative; ICHi-31158)

          During the Depression in the early 1930's, the Chicago Yacht Club (a private organization) had a desire to replace their old building.  They temporarily acquired  a structure (on the right in photo) which was to be torn down after the Century of Progress World's Fair which took place in 1933 on the lakefront, less than a mile to the south of the Yacht Club.  This building was one of the "Houses of the Future" in the Fair. 
          In 1935, Van Bergen was given the go-ahead to design a more permanent building that would be attached to this earlier structure.  The building (on the left in photo) was built to somewhat resemble a ship (with round windows and a chimney that resembled a smokestack, etc).  The building has been mostly demolished - nothing of Van Bergen's design remains.  In a letter, Van Bergen wrote
" old Chicago Yacht Club?  It's built at the foot of Monroe St. - east of Grant Park & actually east of the city of Chicago.  I believe they have added to it a good deal & and the original building may be lost."
           In the mid 1950's, this was all replaced with a newer structure which still stands today.

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