firm active: 1907-1921

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Illustrations Index

An index to illustrations appearing in the essays and other areas of the Purcell and Elmslie site not directly related to specific commission numbers.  I'll group these later into categories.  They're just accumulating for now. (6/24/2002)

Island Lake Camp, family group, ca. 1889

The Court, Island Lake, Wisconsin, ca. 1880s

Portrait of George Grant Elmslie, circa 1912

Portrait of William Gray Purcell, circa 1908

William Gray Purcell at Westwinds, circa 1960

Portrait of the Purcell family, circa 1914

Grave monument for Louis Henri Sullivan

Portrait of William Gray Purcell by Catherine Garns Gray, ca. 1882

William Gray Purcell residence, "Georgian Place" (Portland, Oregon)

Sidney Bell residence (Portland, Oregon), Presentation rendering

Third Church of Christ, Scientist (Portland, Oregon), presentation rendering

Third Church of Christ, Scientist (Portland, Oregon), longitudinal section

PSEC speculative house (Portland, Oregon)

Catherine Garns Gray and Edna Summy Purcell, 1915

Detail: Catherine Garns Gray and Edna Summy Purcell, 1915

research courtesy mark hammons