firm active: 1907-1921

minneapolis, minnesota :: chicago, illinois
philadelphia, pennsylvania :: portland, oregon

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Cunningham Gray Architectural Service
Builder's Document Service
Builder's Plan Service, advertising
Purcell and Elmslie

The documents shown here were part of an advertising campaign mounted by Purcell and Elmslie, attempting to generate business for "readymade" (what we might today call "just-in-time design") residential and bank plans.  With Purcell now living in Portland, Oregon, Elmslie still in Chicago, and chief drafter Frederick A. Strauel maintaining a toehold in Minneapolis, the idea was to farm out any response to the nearest office.  A similar effort, called the Bankers Architectural and Engineering Company, was credited in The Architectural Record (Vol. 54, #6 [December, 1923], p. 521), showing P&E drafter Lawrence A. Fournier as architect of the American National Bank Building, Aurora, Illinois.  Fournier found himself in the same situation with Elmslie that Elmslie had been with Louis Sullivan concerning credit for his work.


Advertising sketch

  13 images are also available from the University of Minnesota digital database. 


research courtesy mark hammons