firm active: 1907-1921

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Parish House and Chancel for Christ Church
Purcell and Feick
Eau Claire, Wisconsin  1908/1915

Encountering this design amid the work of a firm vociferously devoted to the organic thesis is startling for many people.  Clearly, the building harkens back to historical stone forms of the Norman era.  However, the main event here was client satisfaction, not exploration of new and dramatic expressions in architecture.  Nonetheless, Purcell remarks in his over-the-shoulder review that they did the best they could to be honest with the materials, while using the most modern engineering techniques to improve the deal.  Best to read the Parabiographies entry for the apologia of good company.

The plans and work for the chancel were done in 1908; the parish house working drawings are dated 1915, which is extraordinary.  The doors to the parish house are the same design as those for the Stewart Memorial Church (1909), but with the panels in mostly beveled glass, rather than wood.  Obviously the steel bell tower is nothing to do with Purcell and Feick.


Presentation rendering, legible view

North front, circa 1991

Chancel, west side, circa 1991

Chancel, east side, circa 1991

Chancel entry, detail, circa 1991

Parish house doors, circa 1991
Photographs contributed by John Panning (2004)  

7 images are also available from the University of Minnesota digital database.


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