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firm active: 1907-1921 minneapolis, minnesota :: chicago, illinois |
Understanding this view of the Parabiographies
These pages create access to Parabiographies as a single corpus, but the version of the manuscripts shown here is edited. The linked note explains the raw state of these writings and the differences between the various original drafts left by Purcell. Excerpts of entries related to specific designs can be accessed also through the job title on the complete commission list, as well as under individual selected works.
These manuscripts contain a wealth of information and commentary about far more than the architectural commissions themselves. Purcell discusses design philosophy, social conditions, historical events, and individuals who came into contact with the firm. Aside from biographical notes about clients or office staff, Purcell also introduces other progressive architects, such as Frank Lloyd Wright and John Jager.
The Manuscripts
A romantic and metaphorically apt recollection by Purcell of starting out on the journey in freezing weather, intended as a preface.
Entries for commission numbers 1-10, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to George Grant Elmslie, George Feick Jr., Ernest Flagg, H. C. Garvin, William Gray Purcell, Baillie Scott, Charles E. White, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Entries for commission numbers 39-68, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to Dankmar Adler, Sears Brace, William Drummond, George Grant Elmslie, George Feick Jr., Walter Burley Griffin, Warren P. Laird, E. Fitch Pabody, Marion Alice Parker, Robert B. Pelton, William Gray Purcell, Paul Starrett, Frederick A. Strauel, Louis H. Sullivan, Tacoma Building (Chicago, Illinois), Thomas Tallmadge, Tyrie & Chapman Architects, Charles E. White, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Entries for commission numbers 39-68, biographical information on various clients, and references to Dankmar Adler, Sears Brace, William Drummond, George Grant Elmslie, George Feick Jr., Walter Burley Griffin, Warren P. Laird, E. Fitch Pabody, Marion Alice Parker, Robert B. Pelton, William Gray Purcell, Paul Starrett, Frederick A. Strauel, Louis H. ullivan, Tacoma Building (Chicago, Illinois), Thomas Tallmadge, Tyrie & Capman Architects, Charles E. White, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Entries for commission numbers 69-104, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to C. T. Backus, Parker W. Berry, Harry Blair, Fritz Carlson, Lawrence B. Clapp, Charles R. Crane, George Grant Elmslie, George Feick Jr., H. C. Garvin, Elgar F. Greening, Paul Hinman, M. L. Hughes, W. G. A. Millar, Marion Alice Parker, William Gray Purcell, D. F. Recker, George H. Russ, T. H. Simmons, Willard D. Straight, Louis H. Sullivan, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Entries for commission numbers 105-131, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to George Grant Elmslie, George Feick Jr., A. Warren Gould, Hewitt and Brown Architects, John Jager, Robert Jarvie, W. D. Morris, Marion Alice Parker, William Gray Purcell, Edward A. Purdy, Christian Schneider, and Gustav Weber.
Entries for commission numbers 132-168, and 174, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to Lawrence B. Clapp, George Grant Elmslie, Lawrence A. Fournier, Paul Haugen, Robert Jarvie, John W. Norton, William Gray Purcell, Christian Schneider, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Entries for commission numbers 190-198, and 203-226, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to Charles Livingston Bull, O. G. Dale, George Grant Elmslie, Walter Burley Griffin, Fred Harvey, William Gray Purcell, and Ella G. Winter.
Entries for commission numbers 227-267, and 368, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to Fred Babson, Henry B. Babson, Condict Building (New York, New York), George Grant Elmslie, Thaddeus P. Giddings, Walter Burley Griffin, Hewitt and Brown Architects, Louis H. Sullivan, and the Motor Inn for Henry G. Goosman.
Entries for commission numbers 268-272, 274-289, and 291, containing biographical information on various clients, and references to Henry B. Babson, H. P. Berlage, George Grant Elmslie, Thaddeus P. Giddings, George Hermann, Alphonso Ianelli, Thomas B. Kimball, Robert C. McLean, William Gray Purcell, Christian Schneider, and William L. Steele Sr.
Entries for 309, 312, and 318, containing biographical information on Louis Heitman and family, and references to George Grant Elmslie, John Jager, William Gray Purcell, Harry Rubins, and Louis H. Sullivan.
Entry for P&E 335, and other manuscripts.
Unnumbered entries.
Related materialsEntries for work by Purcell in Portland, Oregon, following dissolution of the Purcell and Elmslie partnership; and references to the Flagg system of modular construction. Some of the commissions described in these entries were done in collaboration with George Elmslie and also appear on lists of P&E work.
Audio recording transcript (1949) A discussion by Purcell of the Parabiographies, structured as a "historical commentary on American Architecture of 1910 - 1920."