firm active: 1907-1921

minneapolis, minnesota :: chicago, illinois
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Edison Shop, instrument panel design
Purcell and Elmslie
Chicago, Illinois   1914

Parabiographies entry, Volume for 1910
Text by William Gray Purcell

Job Date (in Parabiography): January, 1915


Mr. Henry Babson was completely discouraged with the design of Edison phonograph cabinets and in an attempt to stimulate sales George made a number of dainty panels which could be slipped into the sound openings in place of the sad looking sound grills that the manufacturer had built into them. George also designed some cabinets - very good, clean lined, functional, but I believe that none of these were ever built.

   Collection: William Gray Purcell Papers, Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota [AR:B4d1.9]
research courtesy mark hammons