firm active: 1907-1921

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Fireplace for W. A. Benton
Purcell, Feick and Elmslie
Minneapolis, Minnesota  1910

Text by William Gray Purcell
Parabiographies entry, Volume for 1910

Job Date (in Parabiographies): [1910]

W. A. Benton, Alterations and Repairs

The deft, facile redesign of an old corner fireplace by Mr. Elmslie. Stream-lined panels, all self-contained, eggshell green Rookwood tile laid in reticulated pattern instead of with broken joints like masonry--that was indeed an innovation, calling for protests from tile setters and firm superintendence. How our draughtsmen enjoyed inking in these fresh new forms, rising to the opportunity with something more alive and less fancy in working drawings and lettering! How hard they tried, without success, to imitate Mr. Elmslie's beautiful singing line in draughting--either pencil or ink.

   Collection: William Gray Purcell Papers, Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota [AR:B4d1.4]
research courtesy mark hammons