ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Progressive Architecture in The Architectural Record, 1891-1925
by Mark Hammons

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Ferrée, Barr.  “What is Architecture?”  Vol I, #2 [October-December, 1891], pp. 199-210.

More in the vein of “As a matter of fact, far from detracting from the interest or value of architecture, to view it as a result of a natural evolution instead of as the exclusive outpouring of the human imagination…”

bullet Page 199
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bulletPage 201  (Plate, "Church of the Sacred Heart."  M. Abbadie, Architect; Paris)
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bulletPage 204  (Plate, "The Church of the Sacred Heart."  M. Abbadie, Architect; Paris)
bullet Page 205  (Plate, "Vestibule of Lehter Bahnhof.:  Kayser & v. Grossheim, Architects; Berlin)
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bulletPage 207  (Plate, "The City Bank, Ludgate Hill."  T. E. Collcutt, Architect)
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bulletPage 209  (Plate, "Entrance, Sheffield Municipal."  E. W. Montford, Architect; Sheffield, England)
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